forecast by email

Dream interpretation

Dream world… Unique. Many think that dreams are “just dreams”. But there are many more. They predict the future. They communicate the state of the subconscious. The truths of the higher self are whispering.

Does it ever happen to you that at night you travel in dreams to worlds that you just can’t and can’t forget? Do you have a feeling that the dream was so real? There you may meet a person who has been or is close to your heart? You may be running away, or you may be observing a story that seems like you know it, but the memories don’t allow you to see … where from?

The world of dreams is the world of the subconscious. Many experts agree. They are a reflection of your expectations, pains and patterns. The symbolism can be read by those who have acquired knowledge about the meaning of dreams, even though many people already have a sense of what the night world is telling them. I am here to confirm your thoughts or simply remind you. I calm down. I encourage.

So whether dreams are a reflection of the subconscious is not a question. But there are many more. This is where important spiritual awareness and knowledge comes into play. Dreams are also messages of the soul. Many times we visit souls in dreams. Maybe someone wants to apologize to you or you want to heal a wound full of pain. Such dreams like to be repeated and become stronger and stronger. The soul does not give up until it is convinced that the message has been delivered and understood. But maybe the higher self wants to tell you that you need to watch out for something. Or it wants to show you the right answers you are looking for.


How? By sending an e-mail and describing in detail your dreams for which you want interpretation. Or use the form below. The inspection is performed by Nal Husič, a professional clairvoyant.


  • I explain to you the symbolism in the story that took place
  • I explain to you what is “yours” and what signals are sent to you by the other “players” involved
  • I explain to you what kind of treatment must take place in your life according to the message of the dream
  • I explain to you the most probable outcomes of the future according to the messages in the dream
  • I explain to you how you can influence better outcomes
  • I pass on to you the messages of the soul that are manifested through the spiritual note of dreams


Year-round forecast by email

Heart compass 2022

Let 2022 reveal itself and show you the right directions.

Curiosity is a beautiful virtue as it pushes us through the stages of life. Do we happen to stop at a certain point and wonder which way to take? We wonder if this path is safe, right? It’s not about being safe or less safe. The path is important. The realization that just about every one is right carries the blessings of experience. The soul compass is the one that guides us along the wonderful paths that she has prepared for the individual – our beautiful soul. It provides circumstances, persons, trials, and confrontations, all with the intent of growing and evolving as souls.

For most, this is a challenge and they hide in the embrace of fears, withdrawal, inaction. But the soul wants just the opposite. Her motto is to guide us in all ways, because in this way we progress, grow, develop, and just pushing into new circumstances means mental progress.

For those of you who want to peek into the records of your own energy in 2022 … I have created a compass for 2022 that reveals through prophetic gypsy maps:

  • Where and where do these energies support
  • What plans does your soul have
  • What to look out for
  • How to face challenges and trials
  • I reveal to you a picture of the physical body
  • A picture of emotional well-being
  • Business opportunities and pave the way for financial improvement
  • Steps to a life mission
  • Secrets of relationships and how to make them bloom in notes of love

If you have a very specific wish or question, just write it in the comment of the order form

You will receive:

  • Guidelines and guidance for each month
  • 19 pages of written guides so you can read them over and over again
  • Photos of cards that will give you the energy of good fortune when you read them
  • My remote blessing for 2021

May the prophetic compass of fulfilled dreams guide you. And I’m glad to be a part of that magic, too. Nal

in person or by email

Insight into gypsy maps

Magical insights… Gypsy cards bring a very special blessing to the one to whom we read them, as well as to the one who reads them. They can both be sure that something unique will happen and that some mystical, prophetic story will be woven. At first glance, gypsy cards look simple, which is why experienced masters recommend them to more beginners, but they are anything but that. It is good to know that millennial knowledge is hidden in them, and at the same time the extraordinary intuition of those we interpret is needed. I approached them myself with a great deal of enthusiasm and thus began to get to know them. I meditated with each gypsy beauty individually to gain additional insights, I read a lot and learned from them as they carry both sides, both the beautiful one and the one I say… a special message. They always know how to surprise, ensure a turnaround and testify about how it all depends on who asks for tickets and what they ask for.

Connoisseurs are of the opinion that they are supposed to develop in parallel with the Tarot and that their cradle is the area of Egypt, from where they continued their journey throughout Asia and beyond. They were supposed to be used by simpler people, but over time they attracted the attention of growing alchemists. Even today, they may be wronged because of this, but I say that it all depends on who works with them. Relationship means everything. For all of us. And this time I invite you to establish a very special relationship with them. I am sure that they will become your unique and indispensable friends.

Through working with gypsy cards, I realized that if we work with them respectfully and with sincere, honest intentions, they will show us exceptional paths, reveal the veils of a potential future and give us the answer to every desired question. They say that everything you do, do with your heart. The same goes for interpreting maps. I met them by pure chance through an acquaintance, although the view of them was fleeting, without a hint of expectation, it was the “gypsies” who took me on the path of my development. I was drawn to how someone who knew almost nothing about me could tell “everything about me” from the cards. That’s when they caught my attention and I started to get to know them, explore them, and learn.

I interpret all this and more for you… I. Because I wish you all the best. Because I understand what it means to look for answers. Sometimes look for light in the dark. I myself have walked the path of doubt. And then those who love me stood by my side … And gypsy cards stood by my side. We kept whispering about the path, which I then followed.

Insight into gypsy maps can be done in person, where there is additional interaction and where some additional questions come to the fore. I guide you through the interpretation and introduce you to the story of the maps and your potential actions.



  • will everything go well?
  • will you get married
  • will you finish school?
  • how to solve a particular challenge or problem?
  • how to reverse the flow of negative circumstances?
  • how to improve relationships?
  • how to make more money?

calculation by email

Soul code

Coming to this beautiful planet was written by codes that define us as individuals. The date of birth carries the important symbolism and records we brought to Earth as souls. Every soul has its own unique record, purpose, life story. This story is created by the development of an individual who grows and encounters all the beauties as well as the trials on his way of life.

Did you know that each number has its own code? That your date of birth carries fragments of your soul that has determined what trials, lessons, insights, and teachings it wants to experience in the incarnation? These are not just numbers, they are a strong seal that will grind us into the most beautiful diamond. Also, the first and last name given to you at birth carry their own code. All this with the aim of evolving, growing and becoming an ever better version of ourselves.

To this end, I present to you an e-mail reading that reveals:

  • the vibration under which the name and surname operate
  • what path you have chosen as a soul according to the date of birth
  • your karmic years and when you have completed them or will complete them
  • what is really your purpose in this incarnation
  • where your potentials are hidden
  • which lessons will sharpen you into a master of your own life
  • what your physical body tells you based on your date of birth
  • where your weak points are and how to strengthen them
  • you get a personal number for better well-being
  • a message of gypsy cards for current leadership in life




Send orders to calculate your code to (email) with your full name and date of birth.

insight via email

Harmony of love

I present to you another insight by email.

They say love is the most beautiful teacher. So gentle and sensual, on the other hand so passionate. Its presence leaves deep wounds, brings gentle feelings of warmth, and sometimes even less pleasant ones. It is present everywhere, at every step, in every heart. The most praised and so much loved …

It is not her job to hurt or injure. Its task carries the blessings of learning and realizing what an individual chooses for himself. He sneaks in all forms, in all possible ways and serves with a color palette on which he writes – love. This mysterious “lady” is a fatalist of all hearts. It’s hard to catch her because her purpose is to feel and live. Whether it is so provocative, rude or painful, he only wants the individual to be loving to himself through all the experiences.

Soulmates are the ones from whom we learn the most and most – about ourselves. Just about everyone was already caught in her arms and embarked on a dance of hearty smiles, rose from the ground for a moment and carried him into the worlds of happiness. But there come times when it ground us hard and show us through other people what kind of relationship we really have with ourselves.

Her job is to teach us. When we are happy, but also when trials come and challenges arise. It teaches us to understand the relationship. To understand ourselves through the relationship. Do you also face trials in a certain relationship? Then you can order your harmony of love, which will reveal to you:

  • matching according to the record on arrival on Earth
  • what trials they had after previous lives and what lessons still need to be understood
  • what they teach each other in relation to each other
  • how to improve your relationship
  • clear messages from your guides on how to improve your attitude towards yourself

If you have felt the call for insight, write to me for Harmony of Love (email) and entrust me with your name and surname and date of birth, and the name and surname and date of birth of the person or. kindred spirits.

If you are facing a certain problem in the relationship, let me know. Let the Harmony of Love speak for you…


Let your home breathe fresh energy.

Our home is the anchor of manifestation energies. It is the temple of our life and it is therefore advisable to pay attention to both the physical cleanliness of the home as well as the energy. People exchange a lot of energy in their daily lives. Insofar as our gatherings are pleasant, joyful and light, this energy is introduced into all our circumstances. The problem arises when difficult emotions, arguments, bad mood appear… These energies are also anchored in our temple and the energy load of the space affects finances, well-being of us and all of us who live in a common household or coexist in a certain space. Therefore, it is very important to maintain energy balance on a regular basis.

There are several factors that affect the energy imbalance of space:

  • past of houses, flats, land (bad energy of previous occupants)
  • individual fears, phobias, quarrels, stress, negative vibration, doubts
  • energy attacks by third parties
  • retention of trapped energies in space
  • all of this affects the home or business space through the individual

Reasons why it is good to have an energy-purified space:

  • a home or business space is relieved of heavy energies and consequently raises its vibration
  • well-being and lightness settle in the space
  • the frequencies for the successful effectiveness of the home or business space are balanced
  • the energy is balanced and consequently harmony is settled
  • space energetically supports you
  • stimulates the creative power of creation due to purified energies
  • raises the space vibration that supports and energetically protects

During the energy cleansing process you get:

  • messages what it is that has lowered the energy of space
  • how you can maintain and nurture the energies of space yourself in the future
  • reading captured lower energies, which can also be found in objects
  • what your spiritual vibration-raising guides are telling you
  • and many more tips, depending on what you are specifically interested in
  • my GIFT for you (black candle protection) and how to work with it

Prophetic Evenings (5.7.2022)

Magical insights… Gypsy cards bring a very special blessing to the one to whom we read them, as well as to the one who reads them. They can both be sure that something unique will happen and that some mystical, prophetic story will be woven. At first glance, gypsy cards look simple, which is why experienced masters recommend them to more beginners, but they are anything but that. It is good to know that millennial knowledge is hidden in them, and at the same time the extraordinary intuition of those we interpret is needed. I approached them myself with a great deal of enthusiasm and thus began to get to know them. I meditated with each gypsy beauty individually to gain additional insights, I read a lot and learned from them as they carry both sides, both the beautiful one and the one I say… a special message. They always know how to surprise, ensure a turnaround and testify about how it all depends on who asks for tickets and what they ask for.

I interpret all this and more for you… I. Because I wish you all the best. Because I understand what it means to look for answers. Sometimes look for light in the dark. I myself have walked the path of doubt. And then those who love me stood by my side… And they stood by my side gypsy cards. We kept whispering about the path, which I then followed.

If you also find yourself at the crossroads of life and a certain circumstance worries you and you would like insight or guideline, I invite you to a prophetic evening where we will seek answers to your questions.

I accept applications at

wizard cash



Dream interpretation


Heart compass


Insight into gypsy maps


Soul code


Harmony of love


Energy cleaning of premises

What can you expect

The services I offer are the fruit of pure love for everything I invest energy in. and magic is part of that. This invisible force that is changing the whole world. And just about everything around us is magic.

Through my products, courses, counseling, readings, I also want to show you that there is a path that will take you to a better tomorrow. I invest a lot of love and responsibility in everything. But sincere intention opens many doors. And with that, I want you to enter through your own door of a beautiful life.

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