Monthly forecast APRIL 2022



This month, Mlaj offers you the opportunity to ground your ideas and make them a reality. You’ve been thinking about a new job for a while, you want to get your finances in order and now you have the perfect opportunity. The energy of the new moon will support you in your steps. To be successful, however, you will need to approach things more decisively. Now is the time for action and we need to act accordingly. Determination and perseverance will pay off and you can achieve everything you have been carefully weighing up. Don’t be intimidated by the person in the position or. someone who is an authority figure to you. You are the only authority in your life, so take responsibility for yourself and your life. If you need specific answers, ask your spirit guides to show you through dreams or meditation. Strive to find solutions and take decisions with calmness in your heart. Your courage will pay off in the way you achieve what you set out to do. Trust yourself and trust the flow of life.



This month, the energy of the Moon will shine through in the areas of relationships, finances and life’s mission. During this period, set new goals and roll up your sleeves. That’s because you will be re-establishing a solid foundation on which to build from this point on. During this period, surround yourself with sincere like-minded people, act in accordance with your own values and express yourself through words and actions. Everything you put your energy into will bear fruit and improvements will be seen, so get busy and get to work. Find new resources, information and “update” your knowledge and actions. The Universe will bring you a new wave of energy to use for new ventures. Also, connect intensely with your soul. It has countless innovations for you, and you should open yourself to them. You will soon see improvements in your relationships, finances and by the end of July you will be enjoying the fruits of your efforts. Activate your guides and engage with them more actively. Rejoice in the beautiful and open your heart wide to it.



The little mental obstacles that the twins will face during this period are really a reminder for you to prioritise your life. Feeling like you have lost your compass is just a result of missing something. You have forgotten yourself because of your own pleasures or dissatisfaction. Find out what you lack and what you need in your life and get it. Don’t expect others to do it for you. It is your responsibility to take the steering wheel of life in your own hands and drive through the circumstances that need your attention. But don’t forget yourself on this hectic ride. Where are you in the picture of your life? What do you do and do for yourself to be happy? The sword of guilt will not serve you in this period, throw it away in the drawer where the past is written. Instead, take the seeds of love and plant in your mind and life this month whatever will make you happy and bring peace to your heart. Put yourself on the throne of your life and organise it in such a way that you are satisfied and fulfilled in all areas.



Have you rested and slept, dear Crabs? Of course you did. Because external circumstances are already reminding you of this and pushing you to your limits. If you’ve noticed this, now is the time to start moving and get off the comfy armchair. It is a time of new beginnings and a time of sowing. There will be no room for excuses during this period, as your soul is already haunting you a little and urging you to use the knowledge you have and your talents to your advantage. You will have choices in all circumstances and in all areas. These same choices have positive news for you in terms of finances, a new job, a sincere partner coming into your life, a successful business… All of this is waiting for you to act, so activate your desire for change and invite it in. Action is the key to success for you in this period, and it is offered to you. Just start moving, today. Put a strong belief in yourself and trust yourself every step of the way. You are capable, just a little “sleepy”.



Relationships will be a hot topic for Leo this month. That’s because you are assiduously avoiding them and “smoothing over” disagreements within yourself. If you have been experiencing mood swings lately, it is a sign that you are running away from taking responsibility for yourself. Your mind is occupied with various distractions just so that you don’t have to deal with a problem that is already weighing you down. Stop and focus on the pain. Your further creation and manifestation depend on it. You are capable of many things, so address the problem first and find a solution. The oscillations will be with you throughout the month and those of you who face the challenges and see them through the eyes of learning will find it easier to cope with the energies of the new moon. Your subconscious is trying to tell you something through your relationships. Let go of the old and open up to change. They are a fair share for you, but we know that the left take what is coming to them. Choose happiness for yourself.



For you, dear virgins, April has laid all the foundations and you literally have everything in place to make your wishes come true. If you have been working hard on projects over the last few months, the results will start to show this month. Job promotion, relocation, successful business, sale or purchase of property, promotion. In short, this month is ideal for new beginnings. You will have to leave behind something old that does not serve you. And that is sadness and doubts. Past experiences have honed you into a person who can deal with life and see it as a learning experience about yourself. Activate your inner power and gift of speech and express yourself even more. Mercury, which supports you, should be your ally and, if necessary, expose yourself publicly. Some members of this sign will be visible in public with their products or. Achievements. Take time for yourself and for the things that make you happy and fill you with joy.



Libra, the new moon will press on your fears. And not to punish you. But to start facing the challenges. Each challenge successfully completed brings a corresponding reward. As a result, start learning about new things and step out of the safe and established paths. Three people will have difficulty making decisions. These people come from different circumstances, but they all have the same purpose. They want to teach you to say no. In reality, circumstances will push you to your limits, so get on with learning and conquering challenges as soon as possible. The problems in the financial area are a lack of focus on objectives. Take the reins and stand up for yourself. Develop a loving relationship with yourself and listen to yourself more. Talking to someone of the opposite sex can give you the information you need, which will be very helpful. Look inside yourself and don’t get involved in other people’s feelings.



You will be very strong-willed in the first half of the month and you can achieve anything you set out to do materially. The first half of the year also promises to be a change for the better on the financial front. However, in the second half, things could go the other way. To avoid this, keep your focus on your goals and persevere with determination. Even if you’re exhausted and want to throw a gun in the corn, hang in there. Take care of your physical well-being and do not stop now that you have started the wheel of life in all areas. The energy, effort, will and courage you invest in yourself now will pay off well in the autumn. Act and move through life with ease. Fill your lungs with freshness by bringing it in where it is needed. Some old thing from the past should come to an end, because it is holding you in a bit of a grip of frustration. Activate your passion and use your Scorpio charm.



You are mentally overwhelmed and this period will see you delving deeper into everything. Certain members of this sign have or will come to a point where you will question what your purpose and contribution to this planet is. Some of you will have relationship trials, others in the workplace, problems with finances. If you find yourself described as someone who feels that everything is slowly falling apart, it’s just a sign to start moving. Your soul has very important plans for you, so stop and listen to it. He has something important for you. Just listen to her. The key for you is to focus on yourself and work on yourself. Everything will be sorted out with the right approach and determination. Be aware of everything that is weighing you down and find appropriate solutions. Then act. But make some time each day to talk to your inner world, which has very valuable information for you. They will show you the right way to improve your circumstances. Keep moving.




Do you feel unheard? Not to be understood? This is because you are not expressing yourself in the right way. Learn to say what you think or feel. As a result, you will avoid inconveniencing yourself. During this new moon period, it is important for you to set your priorities and make them clear. Your thoughts should be focused on finding the necessary solutions, as this period will be a mini-test in the area of relationships. Without action there is no reaction, they say, so focus more on movement. Don’t compensate for running away from responsibility by sleeping or making excuses. More action will bring more will. Also take care of your energy and remove anything that has a negative influence on you from your environment. Today, at the new moon, set new goals for the year and write them down on a piece of paper. Then do your best to make them happen for you. Activate your inner strength and willpower, because you lack it, and don’t over-commit yourself.



The energies of the Moon will support your heart’s intentions, so keep a clear focus on the circumstances in which you want results. Your relationships are failing because you often act according to the “my way is the way” rule. You like to play the lead role, but be careful not to let ego desires distract you from your sincere intentions. Honesty with yourself and others will guide you through the month of April. Look into your own penetrating eyes and admit certain mistakes. We are learning and so are you. You like to move through life and are always looking for something new and fresh to inspire you. Life will answer that call and provide you with new things. But ask yourself, what do you really need to be reassured? It is a restlessness that drives you to prove yourself, or to. the desire to prove oneself. To whom? Why? Act from a peaceful heart and let the sincere intention be there. This will help you achieve your goals.



Thoughtfulness is the key to success for this sign in April. All the tasks you have set yourself, Pisces, will require thoughtfulness on your part. Before you get into it, think about whether it serves you, what it does for you, does it actually support you, is it the right choice? You have realised that you are experiencing feelings of deprivation as a result of hasty decisions. Whatever you think about hard, you express in the same way. Learn to choose and don’t change your mind from today to tomorrow. Determination is a virtue of the brave, and anyone who decides for themselves and acts accordingly will enjoy peace and rewards. It’s the same with you. Caution on official business in April. Don’t rush into things or make quick decisions. Consider. There may be minor financial as well as emotional problems. Also pay attention to your feelings and emotions that are trying to communicate something to you. Male person about 45 years old, not very sincere intentions, so caution if you start to cooperate.


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